
Sep 1, 2021
Be Organised!
Are you an organised person? Creating schedules and accomplishing it can be difficult for some people. However, it is crucial to write...
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Jul 14, 2021
Do You Know That The Angle of Laptop Stand Is Also Important?
You are able to adjust the angle of your laptop with our laptop stand! 👌 It is designed ergonomically, so you will be comfortable when...
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Jul 9, 2021
Say Yes to A Durable Laptop Stand!
Are you a long-hour laptop user? You might find that the tension on your neck and shoulder becomes more serious as the usage of the...

Jul 2, 2021
Is a Laptop Stand Necessary?
Feeling the stress after long hours of using your laptop? Well, you then surely need a laptop stand. Most of the laptop stands you find...

Jun 23, 2021
How Durable Is Your Laptop Stand?
When choosing a laptop stand, it is essential to look at the durability. Most people tend to buy laptop stands made of aluminum or steel....

Jun 16, 2021
What Are The Materials for PROXA’s Laptop Stand?
Big things come from small beginnings! The materials of PROXA’s products are carefully selected, aiming to bring the best using...

Jun 9, 2021
Are You A Positive Thinker?
Saying positive sentences or beautiful words to yourself every day is essential! Self Love needs practicing and you should start today if...
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Jun 2, 2021
Which Laptop Stand Is The Best?
Having trouble picking the right laptop stand? Here are some tips that you can consider! ❓Do you often take your laptop around? If you...

May 26, 2021
Can You Stand It?
Work stress, neck and back pain and sore shoulders, can you stand them? It is time to get the right product to prevent you from the...

May 19, 2021
Why You Need A Laptop Stand for Your Laptop?
Laptop stand is a necessity in today’s life. Here are two reasons explaining why you should get one of those. Better ergonomics: Using a...
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May 14, 2021
Stand up! Laptop
Feel tensioned? Both work and neck? PROXA’s ergonomic design aids you to correct your vision and posture while working. Have a pain-free...
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